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About Us

A few years ago my mother Jeannine was residing in an assisted living community in Sun City. I enjoyed visiting her there, and one day decided to bring my miniature poodle Barkley with me.


She wasn’t in her apartment when we arrived, because she had gone to her morning chair exercise class. Barkley and I got permission to join her in the exercise room; and as we entered we saw a circle of wheelchairs, each one with its occupant diligently working out with weights. There was my mom, 96 years young, with dumbbells raised high above her head. Barkley ran excitedly to her, and then to one person after the other to “meet and greet”.


Everyone was delighted and seemed to welcome the distraction! Since we were already in the middle of the circle and had their attention, I asked if they wanted to see some of his tricks. Barkley gladly performed for them with tail wagging! I could see how he brought smiles to the faces, how this fun little canine got people chatting about the pets they had known and loved.

As I was later driving home, I pondered how dogs improve people's lives, and how these creatures seem to always be happy and grateful. I thought of the time I had just spent with my mother Jeannine and how she was always counting her blessings, even on the tough days. I started wondering if I could create a show where my trained poodle could continue to spread this message of how to be happy; and how fun it would be to perform with Barkley and see people’s faces light up.

So I came up with Barkley’s Steps to a Happy Day, where he would demonstrate these ideas via his tricks. Being a retired teacher, I went to town creating a fun show based on a particular decade.  (I would start with 1950’s, of course so I could have an excuse to dress up in a poodle skirt!) I also came up with an interactive game with trivia questions about that decade where the audience could play with a hands on activity.

Barkley and I have now been lovingly received in many assisted living centers, community groups and private homes. We are always improving our show and interaction with our audiences.We are happy that you have come to visit our website today and wish you a happy day!

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